On logic, deductive reasoning, the scientific method, and other tools for helping to determine what's actually real, and what's made up bullshit designed to make us all look stupid.
Thank you for simplifying this “debate”! Your basic logic approach to this subject is refreshing....and sadly, very necessary. Hard to believe this subject has gained so much traction of late.
Not to mention the fact that FE is a psyop to begin with. It's intentional psychological warfare. They count on the fact that most people don't like to do all that "sciency stuff" themselves. Most people are followers and believers. They follow. They believe. They know they don't know, so it feels good to believe.
Great article, but you could've even made it simpler for anyone to experience.
People don't even have to leave their homes to prove the Earth is a sphere.
How can they do so?
Well, just take sunrises and sunsets.
Sun rises every morning on the East by slowly rising above the eastern horizon and sets every night on the west by receding below the western horizon.
We all see this on a daily basis. This is proof the Earth is a sphere. If it were a flat disk, the sun would "set", or rather, disappear, by going further and further away in the sky until it disappears. But it doesn't do that. If falls below the horizon, because the Earth is a rotating sphere.
Again, great article and thank you so so so much for it. It's time for the flat earth delusion to go away. There is literally not a single credible argument for flat earth that a relatively well-educated 15 year old couldn't debunk.
"They talk about HAM radios tracking satellites, watching a Starlink launch and then seeing the satellites come back over 90 minutes later from the other side. Listening in on the Russian space station. Observing the way that the stars track, and which constellations are visible in the southern hemisphere vs. the northern hemisphere."
-- that's me, citing my article. I'd love it if you link to it in your article. Peace.
I heard some absolute nonsense from some guy on YouTube claiming "the airplanes fly twice as fast on those longer routes" presumably to hide the "truth" about their Flat Earth. It's off the charts ridiculous, and I would laugh if I hadn't seen some otherwise-lovely-and-knowledgeable people - one of them a doctor, go full belly-flop into the Flat Earth soup. They are just so SURE, too.
Patrick thinks he can debunk people's sound reasoning by reading their text in a dirisive voice. Yet he deigns to insist he is talking about logic. He's a great thespian, but hardly a logician.
Careful. The author is sounding off on ridiculous Flat Earth Society talking points. We know how to spot them. They repeat the same arguments. The article is chalked full of magic words, maths and claims meant to deceive and influence the easily manipulated into ceasing their search and quit questioning everything. Do not be black-pilled by such agents of deceit. Logical fallacies abound and straight up claims made in complete error. This article and its author is nothing but an attempt to slander and self agrandize. They claim to be part of the Truth movement all the while pushing helio-sorcery which is another huge red flag. There is a model for the flat earth. Look to the moon. There is erefutable visual proof. Perhaps the author should search footage from high altitude balloons and learn how to think mirror and stop letting their eyes deceive them. There's no more secrets. The cat is out of the bag. Earth is ____.
I like the simple proofs displayed, I think that's really the key to this whole issue.
I think that it is worth talking to Flat Earth people, because it's actually a good exercise in and of itself, essentially it's how can we draw upon information that we know to prove something is such and such.
It draws upon making models, debating, hopefully friendly, and learning about human psychology too because some people defend an idea, rather than defending the facts or the things which are being observed, and it's important to learn that about human nature.
I've seen similar things to this quite a while ago.
This video is very long, but the descriptions in it are poor and vague. Yes it is very "compelling" and "intriguing" but it's not clear and does not provide context for much of what it shows.
First of all for a video that relies on showing similarities in graphics why is this on Rumble being showed at 480p? With such a low resolution it's difficult to know if things are the same or not because the resolution isn't providing enought detail.
Yes on the image of the Earth some things do look identical, and some of the things that are pointed out as being identical don't look identical to me even at 480p.
The image of Earth taken from the moon with the astronaut. The guy saves the image, goes to Photoshop and then makes an alteration. You see colours around the moon and yes they are in a roughly square shape (straight lines).
But there is no explanation of what that indicates, or what was actually done in Photoshop on a technical level.
I don't really have 8 hours to go through the rest of it right now, and like I said I think I have seen much of this previously, but I just want to say that the evidence you provide and the quality of the videos is not high at all.
Yes, we know that NASA is full of shit, and yes it's possible that some of the images or Earth may be altered, or it could be all of them, and that is strange, but it does not prove in and of itself that the Earth is spherical.
Perhaps you could have someone take a trip in a ship around the edge of the Earth, where you claim there is Antarctic walls of ice all around, well do that, and measure the distance.
If the ice walls are around the edge of a spherical distance that should be a very long way that takes a very long time. And if Antarctica is a smaller more round object then it should be equal to the reported circumference of Antarctica.
WOW! I could not disagree with you more. It is the globe earth which cannot be proven, and the flat earth model which the Bible refers to over 200 times. How do you wrap a vaulted firmament around a spinning globe? You don't. I have done the research with an open mind. It's clear you have not.
No you haven't. You just watched conmen spout nonsensical arguments that "prove" the Earth is flat.
"How do you wrap a vaulted firmament around a spinning globe?"
Girl, we are a part of that firmament. If we were standing on Mars, we'd think the Earth was a part of the firmament. Standing here on Earth makes us believe that Mars is a part of the firmament, too.
This is a nonsensical argument. It doesn't prove anything at all.
Speaking of proof, you say "it is the globe earth which cannot be proven".
Ok, so here I go, in no particular order:
-why do you believe plans travel way to the north when they cross the Atlantic ocean? They do that because it is the shortest route, called a great circle, and it is the shortest route because the Earth is a sphere.
-sunrises and sunsets: we see those every morning and every evening. The sun rises to the east on the eastern horizon and sets on the west by receding below the western horizon. Why? Because the Earth is a rotating sphere. If it were a random flat disk the sun would "rise", or rather, appear in the morning by already being high in the sky and by approaching us, and would "set", or rather, disappear, by going further and further into the evening sky until it disappears. Contrary to this, the sun rises above the eastern horizon on the morning because we rotate on our axis, which, from our POV, appears as if the sun is appearing, same goes, but in reverse, for the sunsets.
-if one measures the difference between the top of the pillars of a bridge, the distance between the top of the pillars will be greater than the difference between the bottom of the pillars. The bridge, on a tiny scale, curves around Earth.
-you mentioned firmament in your nonsense of a comment, so let's take a quick look at stars. People that stand on the southern edges of South America, Africa and Australia can all see the same star, the southern cross. If the Earth is a flat disk, these people are looking in 3 completely separate directions. Explain how they can see the same objects. They can't.
-stars, again. Someone standing in the northern hemisphere looking at the night sky will see the starts rotating, from our POV, counterclockwise, around a point which is more or less aligned with the star Polaris. If you travel south towards the Equator and reach it, you'll notice that a big chunk of stars you saw up north are no longer visible from your POV. You'll also notice that all the stars move from east to west. If you again travel south, to the southern hemisphere, you'll notice the stars rotate, from your POV, clockwise. You'll also notice you're seeing a completely new set of stars from the one you saw in the northern hemisphere.
I could go on for hours, but all these are concrete proofs of the shape of the Earth being round.
The author clearly has done zero research into the FE claims, instead he uses globalist talking points & propaganda under the banner of "The Science", but there's nothing remotely scientific about his approach.
Perhaps research Modus Tollens, it will give you a gateway towards the logically fallacies your article falls into time and again.
Geometry ("earth measurement") isn't something that can be 'debated.' Either you can do proper geometry or you can't. And if you can't, you also can't do math or basic logic. Gunnels doesn't really believe that the earth is flat. He's too smart for that. He's running an Op.
I really hope that is true. However, Gunnels and I share some common friends, and they don't seem to think he's running an op. They think he has actually fallen for it, and they are really hoping he snaps out of it. Hard to believe I know. 🤦♂️
Excellent analysis! Hopefully, people will begin to exercise that gray matter between their ears.
Every single Flat Earther ever started thinking FE was stupid & ignorant... until we researched it.
There's not a question you can think of we haven't already asked ourselves.
Try this? See how you feel afterwards
Thank you for simplifying this “debate”! Your basic logic approach to this subject is refreshing....and sadly, very necessary. Hard to believe this subject has gained so much traction of late.
Every single Flat Earther ever started thinking FE was stupid & ignorant... until we researched it.
There's not a question you can think of we haven't already asked ourselves.
Try this? See how you feel afterwards
Because it's the apocalypse, the unveiling of what's True and hundreds of thousands are waking up to the Truth.
Not to mention the fact that FE is a psyop to begin with. It's intentional psychological warfare. They count on the fact that most people don't like to do all that "sciency stuff" themselves. Most people are followers and believers. They follow. They believe. They know they don't know, so it feels good to believe.
This is awesome! Thank you for putting this together!!
Please come on Reading Epic Threads and debate me on this topic. I'm moving today but starting tuesday you can literally name your time slot.
Great article, but you could've even made it simpler for anyone to experience.
People don't even have to leave their homes to prove the Earth is a sphere.
How can they do so?
Well, just take sunrises and sunsets.
Sun rises every morning on the East by slowly rising above the eastern horizon and sets every night on the west by receding below the western horizon.
We all see this on a daily basis. This is proof the Earth is a sphere. If it were a flat disk, the sun would "set", or rather, disappear, by going further and further away in the sky until it disappears. But it doesn't do that. If falls below the horizon, because the Earth is a rotating sphere.
Again, great article and thank you so so so much for it. It's time for the flat earth delusion to go away. There is literally not a single credible argument for flat earth that a relatively well-educated 15 year old couldn't debunk.
Boy are you ever lost in space.
Please, educate me on your "proof" that the Earth is flat. Go ahead, I'm waiting.
"They talk about HAM radios tracking satellites, watching a Starlink launch and then seeing the satellites come back over 90 minutes later from the other side. Listening in on the Russian space station. Observing the way that the stars track, and which constellations are visible in the southern hemisphere vs. the northern hemisphere."
-- that's me, citing my article. I'd love it if you link to it in your article. Peace.
Done! I had meant to do it sooner. Learning my way around on here. Love your 'stack! Found it while trying to write mine. 💖
I heard some absolute nonsense from some guy on YouTube claiming "the airplanes fly twice as fast on those longer routes" presumably to hide the "truth" about their Flat Earth. It's off the charts ridiculous, and I would laugh if I hadn't seen some otherwise-lovely-and-knowledgeable people - one of them a doctor, go full belly-flop into the Flat Earth soup. They are just so SURE, too.
Thank you. Sometimes we need to go back to a place where the basics are proven to be true, then build from there.
Patrick thinks he can debunk people's sound reasoning by reading their text in a dirisive voice. Yet he deigns to insist he is talking about logic. He's a great thespian, but hardly a logician.
Shit. I read the comments... Never read the comments.
Careful. The author is sounding off on ridiculous Flat Earth Society talking points. We know how to spot them. They repeat the same arguments. The article is chalked full of magic words, maths and claims meant to deceive and influence the easily manipulated into ceasing their search and quit questioning everything. Do not be black-pilled by such agents of deceit. Logical fallacies abound and straight up claims made in complete error. This article and its author is nothing but an attempt to slander and self agrandize. They claim to be part of the Truth movement all the while pushing helio-sorcery which is another huge red flag. There is a model for the flat earth. Look to the moon. There is erefutable visual proof. Perhaps the author should search footage from high altitude balloons and learn how to think mirror and stop letting their eyes deceive them. There's no more secrets. The cat is out of the bag. Earth is ____.
Any other conclusion would be 100% wrong.
I like the simple proofs displayed, I think that's really the key to this whole issue.
I think that it is worth talking to Flat Earth people, because it's actually a good exercise in and of itself, essentially it's how can we draw upon information that we know to prove something is such and such.
It draws upon making models, debating, hopefully friendly, and learning about human psychology too because some people defend an idea, rather than defending the facts or the things which are being observed, and it's important to learn that about human nature.
Every single Flat Earther ever started thinking FE was stupid & ignorant... until we researched it.
There's not a question you can think of we haven't already asked ourselves.
Try this? See how you feel afterwards
Did you respond to the questions that were outlined in *this post*?
I've seen similar things to this quite a while ago.
This video is very long, but the descriptions in it are poor and vague. Yes it is very "compelling" and "intriguing" but it's not clear and does not provide context for much of what it shows.
First of all for a video that relies on showing similarities in graphics why is this on Rumble being showed at 480p? With such a low resolution it's difficult to know if things are the same or not because the resolution isn't providing enought detail.
Yes on the image of the Earth some things do look identical, and some of the things that are pointed out as being identical don't look identical to me even at 480p.
The image of Earth taken from the moon with the astronaut. The guy saves the image, goes to Photoshop and then makes an alteration. You see colours around the moon and yes they are in a roughly square shape (straight lines).
But there is no explanation of what that indicates, or what was actually done in Photoshop on a technical level.
I don't really have 8 hours to go through the rest of it right now, and like I said I think I have seen much of this previously, but I just want to say that the evidence you provide and the quality of the videos is not high at all.
Yes, we know that NASA is full of shit, and yes it's possible that some of the images or Earth may be altered, or it could be all of them, and that is strange, but it does not prove in and of itself that the Earth is spherical.
Perhaps you could have someone take a trip in a ship around the edge of the Earth, where you claim there is Antarctic walls of ice all around, well do that, and measure the distance.
If the ice walls are around the edge of a spherical distance that should be a very long way that takes a very long time. And if Antarctica is a smaller more round object then it should be equal to the reported circumference of Antarctica.
WOW! I could not disagree with you more. It is the globe earth which cannot be proven, and the flat earth model which the Bible refers to over 200 times. How do you wrap a vaulted firmament around a spinning globe? You don't. I have done the research with an open mind. It's clear you have not.
I hAvE dOnE tHe ReSeArCh
No you haven't. You just watched conmen spout nonsensical arguments that "prove" the Earth is flat.
"How do you wrap a vaulted firmament around a spinning globe?"
Girl, we are a part of that firmament. If we were standing on Mars, we'd think the Earth was a part of the firmament. Standing here on Earth makes us believe that Mars is a part of the firmament, too.
This is a nonsensical argument. It doesn't prove anything at all.
Speaking of proof, you say "it is the globe earth which cannot be proven".
Ok, so here I go, in no particular order:
-why do you believe plans travel way to the north when they cross the Atlantic ocean? They do that because it is the shortest route, called a great circle, and it is the shortest route because the Earth is a sphere.
-sunrises and sunsets: we see those every morning and every evening. The sun rises to the east on the eastern horizon and sets on the west by receding below the western horizon. Why? Because the Earth is a rotating sphere. If it were a random flat disk the sun would "rise", or rather, appear in the morning by already being high in the sky and by approaching us, and would "set", or rather, disappear, by going further and further into the evening sky until it disappears. Contrary to this, the sun rises above the eastern horizon on the morning because we rotate on our axis, which, from our POV, appears as if the sun is appearing, same goes, but in reverse, for the sunsets.
-if one measures the difference between the top of the pillars of a bridge, the distance between the top of the pillars will be greater than the difference between the bottom of the pillars. The bridge, on a tiny scale, curves around Earth.
-you mentioned firmament in your nonsense of a comment, so let's take a quick look at stars. People that stand on the southern edges of South America, Africa and Australia can all see the same star, the southern cross. If the Earth is a flat disk, these people are looking in 3 completely separate directions. Explain how they can see the same objects. They can't.
-stars, again. Someone standing in the northern hemisphere looking at the night sky will see the starts rotating, from our POV, counterclockwise, around a point which is more or less aligned with the star Polaris. If you travel south towards the Equator and reach it, you'll notice that a big chunk of stars you saw up north are no longer visible from your POV. You'll also notice that all the stars move from east to west. If you again travel south, to the southern hemisphere, you'll notice the stars rotate, from your POV, clockwise. You'll also notice you're seeing a completely new set of stars from the one you saw in the northern hemisphere.
I could go on for hours, but all these are concrete proofs of the shape of the Earth being round.
Deal with it, you fool.
This is a really poor article.
The author clearly has done zero research into the FE claims, instead he uses globalist talking points & propaganda under the banner of "The Science", but there's nothing remotely scientific about his approach.
Perhaps research Modus Tollens, it will give you a gateway towards the logically fallacies your article falls into time and again.
Amateur hour.
Geometry ("earth measurement") isn't something that can be 'debated.' Either you can do proper geometry or you can't. And if you can't, you also can't do math or basic logic. Gunnels doesn't really believe that the earth is flat. He's too smart for that. He's running an Op.
I really hope that is true. However, Gunnels and I share some common friends, and they don't seem to think he's running an op. They think he has actually fallen for it, and they are really hoping he snaps out of it. Hard to believe I know. 🤦♂️